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  click any of the titles to view the report

  More wind and rain: Cantley Regatta, 2024
  Summer Social and Challenge Race 2024
  Racing in hail: Spring Regatta, Rockland, 2024
  Ray Perryman Memorial Race, 2024
  May Day cruise, 2024
  Rigging Supper, April 2024
  Annual Dinner & Prize Giving, 2024
  EACC/YSC pub social, 2024
  Brrrr! Turkey Race, 2023
  Commodore’s report, AGM 2023
  Some like it hot! Autumn Cruise, 2023
  Autumn Open Regatta, 2023
  Slow boat to Coldham: Cecil Howard Memorial, 2023
  Another one day regatta: Breydon Regatta, 2023
  The One Day Regatta in a Gale: Cantley Regatta, 2023
  CHSC/YSC Challenge Race, 2023
  Spring Regatta (Rockland), 2023
  Ray Perryman Memorial Race, 2023
  May Day Cruise, 2023
  Rigging supper, 2023
  Annual dinner & prize-giving, 2023
  EACC/YSC Pub Social, 2023
  Turkey Race, 2022
  Commodore's Report, AGM 2022
  Autumn Cruise, October 2022
  The north wind doth blow: Autumn Open, 2022
  Champagne sailing: Breydon Regatta, 2022
  Club Social and Challenge Cup, 2022
  Cantley Regatta, 2022
  Reedham Regatta at Rockland, 2022
  Ray Perryman Memorial Race & BBQ, 2022
  May Day cruise, 2022
  Rigging Supper, 2022
  Annual dinner & prize-giving, 2022
  EACC/YSC Social, 2022
  Turkey Race, 2021
  Commodore's report, AGM 2021
  Autumn (non) Cruise, October 2021
  Autumn Open Regatta, 2021
  Cecil Howard Memorial Race, 2021
  Another windy one: Breydon Regatta, 2021
  Challenge Cup, 2021
  Cantley Regatta, 2021
  Back at last: Ray Perryman Memorial Race, 2021
  EACC/YSC Zoom social, 2021
  Commodore’s report, AGM 2020
  Annual dinner & prize-giving, 2020
  EACC/YSC Social, 2020
  Turkey Race, 2019
  Commodore's report, AGM 2019
  Autumn Cruise, September 2019
  Autumn Open Regatta, 2019
  Cecil Howard Memorial Race, 2019
  Blowing old boots: Breydon Regatta, 2019
  Waveney Weekend, 2019
  Cantley Regatta, 2019
  Barbecue and Challenge Cup, June 2019
  Reedham Regatta, 2019
  Ray Perryman Memorial Race, 2019
  May Day Cruise, 2019
  Rigging Supper and Quiz, 2019
  Annual dinner & prize giving, 2019
  EACC/YSC Pub Social, 2019
  Turkey Race, 2018
  Commodore's report, AGM 2018
  Autumn Cruise, October 2018
  Autumn Open Regatta, 2018
  Cecil Howard Memorial Race, 2018
  Breydon Regatta, 2018
  Cantley Regatta, 2018
  Yare Challenge Cup, 2018
  Barbecue, 2018
  Reedham Regatta, 2018
  Ray Perryman Memorial Race, 2018
  The hot and sunny weekend: May Day Cruise, 2018
  Rigging Supper and quiz, 2018
  Annual dinner & prizegiving, 2018
  EACC/YSC social, 2018
  Turkey Race, 2017
  Commodore's report, AGM 2017
  Autumn Cruise, October 2017
  Autumn Open Regatta, 2017
  Sunshine and a squall - Breydon Regatta, 2017
  First club cruise, July 2017
  Cantley Regatta, 2017
  Challenge Cup, 2017
  Barbecue, June 2017
  Reedham Regatta, 2017
  Ray Perryman Memorial Race, 2017
  Barging around - a day out on Victor, May 2017
  The almost static cruise: May Day, 2017
  Rigging supper and quiz, April 2017
  Annual dinner & prizegiving, 2017
  EACC/YSC pub social, January 2017
  Turkey Race, 2016
  Commodore's report, AGM 2016
  Autumn Cruise, October 2016
  Autumn Open Regatta, 2016
  Seaside outing - August Bank Holiday, 2016
  Breydon Regatta, 2016
  Cantley Regatta, 2016
  Yare Challenge Cup, 2016
  Reedham Regatta, 2016
  Ray Perryman Memorial Race, 2016
  May Day Cruise, 2016
  Rigging supper and quiz, 2016
  Annual dinner and prize giving, 2016
  Lots of wind - Turkey Race, 2015
  Commodore's report, AGM 2015
  Autumn Cruise, 2015
  Autumn Open Regatta, 2015
  Breydon Regatta - the 25th year, 2015
  Cantley Regatta, 2015
  Yare Challenge Cup, June 2015
  The Great Gatsby Weekend - 30th Anniversary, June 2015
  Damp and grey, as usual - Reedham Regatta, 2015
  Ray Perryman Memorial Race, 2015
  May Day Cruise, 2015
  Rigging Supper, 2015
  Annual Dinner & Prize Giving, 2015
  What a cracker! Turkey Race, 2014
  Commodore's report, AGM, 2014
  Autumn Open Regatta, 2014
  Breydon Regatta, 2014
  Cantley Regatta, 2014
  BASC Three Bridges Race, 2014
  Yare Challenge Cup, 2014
  The Pelican's Eggs - Treasure Hunt, June 2014
  Reedham Regatta, 2014
  Anne has a Ball - Ray Perryman, 2014
  May Day Cruise, 2014
  Rigging Supper and Quiz, 2014
  Annual dinner and prize giving, 2014
  Hats galore - Turkey Race, 2013
  Commodore's report, AGM 2013
  Autumn Cruise, October 2013
  Autumn Open Regatta, 2013
  Beer and ball games - August bank holiday, 2013
  Every second counts - Breydon Regatta, 2013
  Reflections - Cantley Regatta, 2013
  CHSC/YSC Challenge Cup, 2013
  Who needs a jib? Reedham Regatta, 2013
  Ray Perryman & Cruise, 2013
  Seabird's Log - May Day Cruise, 2013
  May Day weekend cruise, 2013
  Fitting out supper, April, 2013
  Annual Dinner & Prize-giving, 2013
  Turkey Race, 2012
  Commodore's report, AGM 2012
  Autumn Open Regatta, 2012
  Thunderbolts and lightning... Breydon Regatta, 2012
  Cantley Regatta, 2012
  Bit of a breeze.... Reedham Regatta, 2012
  Seaside holiday - Diamond Jubilee Regatta
  Ray Perryman Memorial Race, 2012
  The amazing spinning biscuit - May Day Cruise, 2012
  Annual Dinner and Prize-giving, 2012
  Turkey Race, 2011
  Commodore's report from the AGM, 2011
  Ode to Joy - the Autumn Open, 2011
  Breydon Regatta, 2011
  The storm before the calm - Cantley Regatta, 2011
  Waterproofs and sunhats - Summer barbecue, July 2011
  Reedham Regatta, 2011
  A Near Thing
  Ray Perryman Race and late May cruise, 2011
  Sun and Wind: the first May Cruise, 2011
  Rigging Supper, March 2011
  Annual Dinner, 2011
  Turkey Race, 2010
  Annual General Meeting, 2010
  Down River Race, 2010
  Norwich Cruise, October 2010
  Autumn Open, Cantley, September 2010
  Starlight Express - Breydon Regatta, 2010
  The Stratus benefit, part 2 - Cantley Regatta, 2010
  The north wind doth blow... Reedham Regatta, 2010
  Ray Perryman Race & Late May Cruise, 2010
  May Day Cruise, 2010
  Annual dinner and prize-giving, 2010
  Festive hats to the fore! Turkey Race, 2009
  Elves and Fudge - the 2009 AGM
  End of season cruise to Norwich, 2009
  Autumn Open, Cantley, 2009
  Breydon at its best - the 2009 regatta
  Cantley Regatta, 2009
  Buckenham 50th Anniversary Regatta
  Reedham Regatta, 2009
  Ray Perryman Race & Late May Club Cruise, 2009
  May Day Cruise, 2009
  Annual Dinner & Prize Giving, 2009
  Turkey Race, 2008
  AGM 2008 - Commodore's Report
  Pleasure Cruise - the Norwich trip, 2008
  Autumn Open, Cantley, 2008
  Cecil Howard Memorial Race, 2008
  Survival of the fittest - Breydon Regatta 2008
  Cantley Open Regatta, 2008
  Buckenham Sailing Club Regatta, 2008
  Summer Barbecue, 2008
  Reedham Regatta 2008
  The view from TOG - late May cruise, 2008
  TOG takes trophy - Perryman Race and late May cruise, 2008
  May Day Cruise, 2008 - an alternative view
  May Day Cruise, 2008
  Fitting Out Supper, 2008
  Annual Dinner & Prize Giving, 2008
  Turkey Race, 2007
  Norwich Regatta - AGM 2007
  Commodore’s report from the AGM, 2007
  Norwich bound - Autumn Cruise, 2007
  Autumn Open, 2007 - the other version
  Autumn Open, Cantley, 2007
  Cecil Howard Memorial Race, 2007 (2)
  Cecil Howard Memorial Race, 2007
  Ray Perryman Memorial Race, 2007
  Breydon Regatta 2007 (2)
  Breydon Open Regatta, 2007
  Buckenham Open Regatta, 2007
  Cantley Regatta, 2007 (2)
  That sinking feeling ... Cantley Regatta, 2007
  Reedham Regatta, 2007 (2)
  Reedham Regatta, 2007
  Second May Cruise, 2007 (2)
  Second May Cruise, 2007
  First May Cruise, 2007
  Blast from the past! 1987
  Annual Dinner & Prize Giving, 2007
  Rebecca reigns - Turkey Race, 2006
  Stratus takes regatta honours at Reedham, 2006
  John and Don make Breydon their last double. 2006
  Dragonflies at Breydon. 2005
  Cantley Summer Open Regatta 2005 - Under Control!
  Yare Challenge 2005: YSC vs. CHSC