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  AGM 2008 - Commodore's Report

First of all I want to thank Mark Wells for the use of EPIC Facilities and also Woodfordes Brewery for their continuing support at our AGM, Reedham Regatta, and our DIY BBQ.

Membership has grown by a net 15 in the last two years. Actual new memberships have increased by 20, but as we had 5 people on the books that had not paid for years despite reminders, they have been removed. I’ve been asked how many individual members we have. The truth is we only count the number of individual members once a year but rely on address memberships for our statistics so a family membership only counts as one. We have 87 memberships on the books but this equates to about 140 members in total. So, I congratulate Bob and Mels and Phil and Nicky on their new arrivals, increasing our numbers.

In all it has been a pretty successful year. We have managed to run a nearly full programme of racing events despite the weather, which seems to have been either no wind or gales together with the usual social events.

Earlier in the year we tried to conduct a survey to make sure we were doing things properly. There was a low response but the results did indicate that we were doing most things right but there was some criticism of food at events. This is a bit of a problem as we are limited to venues near water. We will come to this later regarding Reedham Regatta barbecue.

There has been first-rate support from your officers and committee. Due to your Hon Secretary, and her assistant, events have been well publicised and well organised. Your Treasurer has made sure the Accounts are in very good order and this year we engaged an external auditor who gave a clean bill of health. The full accounts showing every transaction are open to view if anyone wants to see them.

We all owe many thanks to Terry and Jean, our regular OODs for well organised racing events, and all the other committee members for their constant support. In addition, I want to thank Margaret for her constantly improving web site, EDP reports, calendars, and photos.

We need occasional back up for OODs as Terry and Jean cannot guarantee always to be available. Any volunteers should give their names to Julia or Joe. Full training and support will be given.

We are in the process of adopting the RYA racing procedures formally. This will make little difference to our arrangements but will give anyone who is shy a way to give the OODs and others feedback.

We have concerns about Reedham regatta barbecue. Last year the quality was poor and we weren’t given what we were charged for so your Committee has decided not to continue with a BBQ. We will just eat at the pub and/or on boats.

The Club boat has been made more suitable for towing and rescue purposes and is available for use by all members subject to some conditions. The engine is being examined this winter to make sure it is reliable. If anyone wants to use the boat next year see a committee member.

We have had some sponsorship from Wolf brewery arranged via the Reedcutter at Cantley. This was a last minute arrangement, which gave us subsidised beer and raffle prizes, but the Reedcutter are trying to get more support from The Wolf Brewery for future events.

We have had a suggestion from one of our members to hold Open/Taster days to attract new members. This is being done.

We also have a new competition. This is for the Gordon Winterton Prize which is an annual photographic competition, open to any member.

Finally Club Calendars for sale for only £10. If you get your order in now they will be available before Christmas to give to all your friends and relatives.

Joe Kilner

last edited on:  10/11/2008 at 12:13   by: The Editor