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  Fitting Out Supper, 2008

The usual motley selection of yachts, motor boats and a horse box gathered at Beauchamp for this event with, it has to be said, the motor boat division of the club winning hands down in terms of numbers attending. Actual fitting out activity could be observed by those who were there early enough, with Prunella rigging and raising their mast and Wisp entertaining the beer drinkers by taking over several picnic tables to lace their topsail onto its spars.

Prunella also provided the liquid entertainment for most of the afternoon; before the main event kicked off around 7 o’clock, when people started arriving by car. The 50 of us fitted very nicely into the restaurant to enjoy the beef stew and apple pie, with equal amounts of entertainment and bemusement being provided by the yacht picture quiz. Of those who handed in entries, no-one suffered the embarrassment of being unable to identify their own boat, but there was only one all-correct set of answers. Even though the Secretary and Commodore won, I can personally guarantee they had no prior knowledge of either the questions, or the answers... Honest!

The yarning and drinking went on well into the night. Late on, half a dozen or so disappeared to the horse box for a nightcap, but they then all strangely reappeared in the pub, when they had intended to go to their beds. Eventually, the bar did close and the prudent mariners retired. The less prudent stayed up on Prunella drinking Scotch until 3 am. Their cabin boy emerged in the morning looking very delicate indeed, but at least he was up and about at a reasonable hour, which is more than could be said for some. I think it can safely be said that a good time was had by all.

Have a look in the Photo Gallery to see who loves the Vice Commodore...

last edited on:  14/04/2008 at 08:55   by: The Editor