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  Autumn Open, 2007 - the other version

Bzzzzzzzzzz……….. clack, clack, clack. Sigh. Bzzzzzzzzzzzz………. clack, clack, clack……

This I’m sure is a familiar soundtrack to anyone who has ever associated with small internal combustion engines of the two-stroke variety. Friday evening saw me huddled over the transom of the YSC committee launch attempting to breath life into an Evinrude who previously has appeared famously at Cantley in a recalcitrant form! Eventually sense prevailed, and using my skills of procurement I ‘obtained’ another more functioning outboard from Buckenham Sailing Club (thanks to all those who helped)

My eventual arrival was a rather soggy and dejected one, it would appear that much in keeping with the ‘summer’ this final YSC regatta was going to be soggy throughout. However, with questionable eagerness Aunty Jean established a change of clothes about my person, then liberally served delicious food and alcohol to revive me! Saturday dawned with ‘Seabird’ carrying an invalid, well our honourable Commodore of vice had rather indulged in fermented pressed grape juice the night before…..

Duly heads were scratched, as the earlier regatta this season at Cantley meant officers of the day were presented with several difficult decisions to make regarding the course to set! However with the conditions strengthening from the NW direction a longer course was set with the additional obstacle of the Langley woods to be navigated by competitors. Whilst this made the course more interesting, it was of questionable enjoyment to some competitors, particularly when the ebb tide set in. Commander Murray however guided the good ship Troutbrid…sorry ‘Wisp’ through such trials and after initial buoy related issues a thoroughly good thrash was had by all.

Sunday, well Sunday. Having had rather a ‘tippy over’ day, I had been promised a nice light airs sail on ‘Wisp’, and thus with the sort of craftiness that you would expect; Mrs Povey proved to be as good as her word! A gentle force 2 which would ultimately cause a lot of problems for the smaller boats had the entire entourage of ‘Wisp’ rubbing their hands with glee.

Such promises however were woefully inadequate in light of the witchcraft evidently practised by David and Lesley Walker aboard ‘Dryad’. Their secret weapon it would appear is Alan. Having snuck this development rig aboard, and lightened ship with the removal of all foresail reefing gear ‘Dryad’ proved to be completely dominant on the course, slipping gradually away from ‘Wisp’ and ‘Melody’ much to our mutual annoyance. However, with the strange starting arrangements for any late arriving craft, there was utter satisfaction that ‘Cuckoo’ was beaten, not only on handicap but also over the water by ‘Wisp’!

Sensibly due to then the complete lack of wind, any races in the afternoon were abandoned, fine ale was sampled along with a rare spell of sunshine, and the regatta slowly drew to a close with all competitors agreeing it had been a thoroughly enjoyable weekend!

Joe Farrow

last edited on:  08/12/2007 at 09:54   by: The Editor