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  Rigging supper and quiz, 2016

40 members gathered at the Rockland New Inn for this year's rigging supper, nine of them braving the rain to come by boat (seven boats, nine people - interesting ratio). After the success of the AGM meal here, the committee had decided to go for a similar menu, which was again generally well received, with many enjoying the goulash.

As the meal progressed, members were also able to test their knowledge with a cunning quiz devised by Julia. With a mostly nautical theme, rounds included Name the river, Name the type of boat and Name the subject of the "ology" - bibliography was one of the easier ones. The final round included such teasers as How many oak trees were needed to build a three decker warship and Who was the captain of HMS Hotspur?

After the excitement of having the rounds marked (the quizmistress is always right, even when you think she is wrong) everyone was asked to publicly confess to their scores. Third prize (Maltesers) went to the Wonder Boys, otherwise known as the President and Treasurer. A draw on 31 points each saw End of the line (Marigold and Damsel) fighting the Vexicans (Pelican and Vixen) for the honour of winning the biscuits instead of the toffees - grand prizes we have in the YSC.

The first tie break question, involving the number of days taken by a clipper ship to race back from the southern hemisphere was answered correctly by both, upping the tension to unbearable levels (maybe). The two teams were then asked which month was the longest of the year, which stumped both. Roy guessed December and Denis guessed November, making him the winner by default of being closest to the correct answer of October which is, of course, 31 days and one hour long.

Some stayed on late to drink and yarn with friends, rounding off a successful evening, where it was pleasant to see a number of members who have not attended other events recently.

last edited on:  11/04/2016 at 19:33   by: The Editor