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  Reedham Regatta, 2007 (2)

Right, well according to an anonymous member of the YSC, the last report I typed was a little too long. Hence the abridged version below.

Saturday (Appendix I)

Sunday (Appendix II)

Not a lot of wind. Henry Fillery won, everybody rejoiced, and went home.

The End

Appendix I
Saturday I was slightly late in arriving to Reedham, and sailed down through the fleet. Light airs dogged the performance of most of the craft on the return leg, making it slow going against the tide. ‘Wisp’ and crew were particularly disappointed as a fairly dramatic shackle breakage meant an early retirement after an excellent start. To my own amusement was the scene which heralded my arrival. ‘Grace’ complete with jackyard topsail was slowly approaching the moorings to be greeted by L. Dowsett, complete with hounds running up the jetty. Upon realization a cry of ‘I told you it was JOE!’ did make me chuckle.... The racers returned some while after, the wind dropping… and dropping….. But as far as I can tell, the biggest problem that dogged some of the fleet was the lurking shallow bits on the Yare.

The BBQ was very good, and despite however much I do want to recall more of the evening, copious amounts of the free Woodfordes mean that alas I cannot.

Appendix II
The very light airs of Sunday had both D&M Kilner rubbing their hands with glee at the prospect of a real faint zephyr. And complete with ‘big white frightener’ they slipped ahead to complete the course in the lead. ‘Melody’ complete with her new integral rig looked very pretty, and the OoD thoroughly enjoyed the starting sequence, during which several unsuspecting motor boats were commanded to redirect themselves to a more suitable position than parked on the start line with 23 seconds to go! (Good old nautical terminology to that effect anyhow) Particular menacing of these craft with two large dogs and a shotgun-brandishing Dowsett I’m sure also helped.

Unfortunately the strong ebb tide of Sunday morning meant nearly one third of the fleet retired on the first leg, the top mark by Hardley dyke causing particular problems. During all of this I was positioned in the rescue launch, busy photographing, and for some reason acquiring a caterpillar crew……

The final race of the weekend started quite late in the afternoon, however the conditions had improved so there was a strong flood tide complete with a (approximately) F2 NE breeze, so the sailing was much improved for all. ‘Melody’ and ‘Wisp’ tussled with each other for most of the course; whilst ‘Farthing’ ‘Anna’ and ‘Henrietta’ sailed so far in front I can’t begin to describe how their race was!

The prize giving results were that ‘Breeze’ had sailed to gather enough points to win the weekend, with no ill feeling from any members at all.

One final footnote directed with particular attention to members who I’m sure know whom they are.

My vessel was not towed, for any distance, at any time this weekend.

Joe Farrow

last edited on:  11/06/2007 at 13:18   by: The Editor