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  Commodore's report, AGM 2018 New Page 1

The well attended AGM at Coldham Hall began with the announcement that Terry Secker and Jean Vaughan, who have just sold Seabird, would be offered Life Membership in thanks for all that they have done over the years.  The Commodore, Joe Farrow, then spoke as follows:

"This season seems to have passed by very quickly, with the majority of our weather being uncharacteristic, given how hot it was.

I was pleased to see that the YSC enjoyed a second joint social event with EACC, something that I hope will be repeated this January.  In fact this year we have been fortunate in that we have collaborated with at least four other local yacht clubs, who have supported us in running or hosting our events.  I think it is important at a time when waterborne activity is decreasing that we continue to work together.

This was followed by a controversial quiz at the fitting out supper at East Hills and I want to end my year by making amends and finally giving the winning team their prizes.  [A presentation was made to Margaret Kilner on behalf of the whole team].

For me, the season has seen some very enjoyable social cruises.  Our May Day cruise was Eve's first such event and formed part of what can only be described as a somewhat robust introduction to Broads sailing...

The Perryman sticks in my mind as an enjoyable weekend, with a flourish shown at the finish line, by some.  Equally, it demonstrated the collaboration that I mentioned as being so important.  Our event featured not only in Beccles Sailing Club's year, but also that of the Yare Valley Sailing Club, who joined us for the race.

Reedham was a mixed bag, proving difficult for some competitors and particularly bitter for Paul Stevens - by retiring from the last race, he excluded himself from the overall trophy.

I wasn't able to attend the BBQ, but want to thank Julia and Christine, who devised a treasure hunt for members to follow.  This was followed, of course, by the Yare Challenge Cup, with all YSC entrants being from our Northern Rivers executive branch, who retained the trophy for us.

Our summer regatta was very warm; idyllic, in fact.  Even Corsair went out to be stylishly uncompetitive.  I want to thank Ruth and Adrian again for what turned out to be an enjoyable weekend.

At Breydon, we experienced two very different days.  For me, I want to thank everyone who helped with the tent, especially Andy Bale and his client, who lent their large motor boat.  This weekend involved us moving everything by boat and it takes a lot of effort.  Thank you again, because we just cannot run that event without our regatta tent.

Our Cecil Howard Race is in fact not ours.  It is run by the GWYC and we assist.  This year it did however provide an exhilarating sail for many, with conditions definitely suiting the larger, heavier craft.

At our Autumn Regatta, I am very grateful to Dianne and Bob who stepped in to OOD and also Brian Wilkins.  Congratulations to John Holmes for winning the Diamond Jubilee Trophy.  This is awarded for a combination of races at Reedham and Cantley and is a lovely, unique trophy, which was kindly donated to the club by Pippa Ryan.

Finally, our Autumn cruise.  Well attended by yachts and our motor boat division, we enjoyed again a mixed weekend of weather.  Eve sensibly arrived after the rain blew through on Saturday.  Very wise.

I will finish by saying that I have tried throughout the year to thank everyone who has stepped forward.  Especially, thanks to Vince and Linda Perry, who have made several return trips from the North West to support our regattas.  Our sailing will now close with our Turkey Race in a few weeks time at Surlingham Ferry, OOD'ed by the Rheads.  Looking forward to seeing you on the water then."

The Secretary, Julia Kilner, then spoke about the season from her perspective, particularly highlighting the amount of work entailed in complying with the new GDPR and organising Breydon Regatta with its many last minute hitches.  After the presentation of the accounts and the election of the new committee, the Commodore presented the proposed sailing programme for 2019.  A new regatta was proposed on the River Waveney, with £150 prize money generously offered by Kelvin Halifax.  This was voted on and the members agreed it could proceed.  It was also decided to move the Crews Cocktail Shaker to the first May Bank Holiday Cruise and organise a race for it on the Sunday of that weekend.

After the business of the meeting was concluded, Julia circulated a paper quiz with 48 rather testing questions on a variety of general knowledge topics.  Members were able to puzzle over this before and during the meal, before the answers were announced.  Joe Farrow came third, with an undisclosed number of correct answers.  The Charlton/Branscombe/Rhead team managed to get half of them correct, with the combined Pelican/Vixen team scoring six and a half points more to win.


last edited on:  12/11/2018 at 17:11   by: The Editor