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  Rigging Supper and Quiz, 2019


Over thirty members gathered at East Hills Bistro in Brundall at the end of March for our Rigging Supper.  There were even a couple of members' yachts rigged and present for the event.  The usual convivial gathering enjoyed an excellent two course meal, while also grappling with a three part quiz, set by Julia. Thirty cryptic London Underground stations to be untangled, twenty challenging general knowledge questions and eighteen devious dingbats kept everyone occupied through the meal and well beyond.

Competitors were allowed to mark their own papers, but were firmly told that the quiz-mistress was always right, even when she was wrong.  After a somewhat boisterous answer session, chocolates were handed out to all the teams, with the Starboard Tackers somehow managing to come out on top again.  Time they gave someone else a chance...


last edited on:  08/04/2019 at 16:44   by: The Editor