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  Seabird's Log - May Day Cruise, 2013

Friday 3rd

Seabird arrived at Cantley 16.00hrs to be met by Wiggy. The Dowsetts in their new motor cruiser

“Pelican” already there.

There for the evening were David and Penny, Andy and Sarah, Bob, Christine, Wiggy, John Smith

plus a clutch of Green Wyverns on their cruise. Pub pretty full.

Saturday 4th

Woke early to more wind than expected – perhaps the Cliff Quay........?

10.00hrs  Off to Surlingham Ferry. Pelican left at 08.30hrs to catch last of the flood. Weather –

sunny but cloudy.

11.35hrs  Surlingham. Enjoyed a convivial lunchtime – some more than others! Jon Collorick played in the evening. The club table was well full.

Sunday 5th

Breakfast in the pub and then at 11.00hrs all piled on to Pelican to cruise to the Ribs of Beef in

Norwich, 20 in all! Chris and Leonie, Tel and Jean, David and Ros, Tiny and Jan, Mark and Harriet,

Vince and Linda, Gerald and Pam, David and Penny, Bob, John Christine and Wiggy.

A female rower took exception to our delicate manoeuvre of dropping White Rose and Pandora

back on to the quay from the outside of Pelican as we left. We explained what we were doing but

she didn't seem to understand....hey ho!

Great trip there and back. Got reported to the Broads Authority for having too many on board but the chief man on duty was sitting at Surlingham waiting to have a beer with us when we got back!

Again a sociable evening in the Ferry despite the folk singers. Some of us were in bed quite early.

Monday 6th

10.50hrs  Off to Rockland for lunch with Bob and Christine, Wiggy, Tiny and Jan and the Dowsetts.

Weather a bit cloudy, very little wind but warm.

11.45hrs  Rockland. Dick and Jan Farrar joined us in the launch. New people at the pub friendly but the prices of beer and food far too high. Beer was £1.00 dearer than at the


15.00hrs  Off home via Cantley to drop Christine off to get her car.

18.00hrs  Back on mooring after a cracking weekend – the weather was a real bonus.

Jean Vaughan

last edited on:  09/05/2013 at 19:57   by: The Editor