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  Club Social and Challenge Cup, 2022

The social before this year's Yare Challenge Cup race was very poorly attended, with just the Branscombes, Kilners and Chris Dowsett (with Chloe) turning out for the meal at Surlingham Ferry.  With a number of other events elsewhere over the weekend, it would seem there were simply too many clashes.  Nevertheless, the five people present had a pleasant evening with the usual copiously filled plates and plenty to make conversation about.

On Sunday it blew.  Despite (or, perhaps, because of) this, seven yachts turned out to contest the race, which was also part of Coldham Hall's Sunday club series.  Vixen was only eligible to sail for YSC and Stratus and Swallowtail only for CHSC, so Bob Branscombe as de facto race officer, split the remaining four boats as fairly as he could, according to handicaps, with Glory and Melody joining Vixen, and Anna and Morning Calm being allocated to the Coldham fleet.

Once things had settled down after the brisk start, a procession led by Glory set off down Train Reach on a gusty close haul.  Melody and Stratus had a bit of a "discussion" just after the start, which effectively put them both out of contention and Bill Clark may well have regretted putting two reefs in Morning Calm as he was steadily overhauled early on.  Once out of the trees Glory, seemingly at a permanent 45 degree angle, pulled away from the rest of the fleet, followed by Vixen, who had somehow managed to sneak past Swallowtail and then Anna into a second place on the water which she never lost, despite the Branscombe's best efforts.

There was a lot of reaching and a lot of spilling of wind; one nerve wracking dead free run and a bit of tacking on the way back.  Happily, with the flood tide, after turning just above Langley Woods, the second half of the course passed quickly and the welcome sight of Coldham Hall and the finish soon came into view, with Anna nearly, but not quite, catching Vixen on the line.  It turned out that Glory had not managed to stay far enough ahead and so Colin had to be content with second place behind Vixen.  However, with both boats sailing for the YSC, this ensured they retained the challenge trophy by 9 points to 12.


last edited on:  03/08/2022 at 15:39   by: The Editor