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visitors since Mar 2005
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  click any of the titles to view the past member

  Denis Kilner, 1948-2023
  Pete Charlton, 1931-2023
  Joe Kilner, 1939-2022
  Will Armour, 1944-2022
  Betty Charlton, 1931-2021
  Jack Jenner, 1919-2021
  Neil Johnson, 1963-2020
  Linda Perryman, d. 2019
  Jacquie Newton, d. 2019
  Léonie Dowsett, 1943-2019
  David Valentine, 1931-2018
  Mollie Richards, 1926-2018
  Jackie Jenner, 1925-2018
  David Snutch, 1938-2017
  Chris Franks, 1957-2014
  Gordon Winterton, 1918-2007
  Bill Jenner, 1921-2005