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  CHSC/YSC Challenge Cup 2024 New Page 1
Sail Start Finish Elapsed Corrected
No Boat Name Helm Handicap Club Time Time Time Time Position
199 Morning Calm W Clark -8% YSC 10:25  12:06:38 01:41:38 01:33:30 1
368 Wandering Rose J Burton -2% YSC 10:25  12:09:58 01:44:58 01:42:52 2
224 Anna R Branscombe -10% CHSC 10:25  12:21:00 01:56:00 01:44:24 3
302 Vixen S Burton -11% YSC 10:25  12:23:40 01:58:40 01:45:37 4
25 Melody M Wells -11% CHSC 10:25  12:43:05 02:18:05 02:02:54 5

YSC 3 points (Vixen's result discarded); CHSC 8 points

YSC retain the trophy

last edited on:  30/06/2024 at 18:58   by: The Editor