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  Ray Perryman Memorial Race, 2022 New Page 1
Sail Start Finish Elapsed Corrected
No Boat Name Helm Handicap Time Time Time Time Position
219 Farthing M Farrar 3%  11:15:11  12:58:44 01:43:33 01:46:39 1
302 Vixen D Kilner -11%  10:57:47  12:59:54 02:02:07 01:48:41 2
98 Force Four J Winterton -21%  10:42:52  13:03:35 02:20:43 01:51:10 3
224 Anna R Branscombe -10%  10:41:24  12:45:29 02:04:05 01:51:41 4
87 Modwena B Heath -19%  10:32:40  12:53:07 02:20:27 01:53:46 5
99 Pan S Miles -18%  10:30:20  12:49:10 02:18:50 01:53:51 6
25 Melody M Wells -10%  10:30:34  12:37:25 02:06:51 01:54:10 7
123 Puck A Garnham -17%  10:34:24  12:52:53 02:18:29 01:54:56 8
149 Stella Genesta M Burwood -19%  10:44:02  13:11:35 02:27:33 01:59:31 9
198 Marigold B Thompson -26% P  10:44:48  13:33:12 02:48:24 02:04:37 10
last edited on:  05/06/2022 at 18:30   by: The Editor