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  Cecil Howard Memorial, 2015 New Page 1

Green Wyvern Yachting Club - Cecil Howard Memorial Race

(The extra 26 seconds on all start times is the adjustment made to allow for the time difference between the two clocks used)

Sail Start Finish Elapsed Corrected
No Boat Name Helm Handicap Time Time Time Time Position
323 Starlight Lady N Matthews 15% 11:00:26  12:02:22 01:01:56 01:11:13 1
3 Raisena C Bunn 11% 11:00:26  12:06:15 01:05:49 01:13:03 2
146 Sally S Burton -14% 11:10:26  12:36:00 01:25:34 01:13:35 3
151 Pixie A Lincoln -16% 11:15:26  12:43:05 01:27:39 01:13:37 4
218 Mystery M Ford -13% 11:10:26  12:35:37 01:25:11 01:14:06 5
369 Moonshadow N Hovey 6% 11:00:26  12:11:04 01:10:38 01:14:52 6
30 Zingara R Dugdale 1% 11:00:26  12:14:42 01:14:16 01:15:00 7
217 Melinda P Howes -1% 11:05:26  12:22:08 01:16:42 01:15:55 8
224 Anna D Branscombe -9% 11:10:26  12:33:56 01:23:30 01:15:59 9
198 Marigold R Russell -26% 11:15:26  13:01:14 01:45:48 01:18:17 10
99 Pan S Miles -17% 11:15:26  12:50:20 01:34:54 01:18:46 11
169 Pandora 3 P J Smith -13% 11:10:26  12:41:57 01:31:31 01:19:37 12
15 Pirate T Moore -8% 11:05:26  12:32:02 01:26:36 01:19:40 13
123 Puck A Garnham -15% 11:15:26  12:50:25 01:34:59 01:20:44 14
244 Catspaw B Wilkins -4% 11:05:26  12:31:05 01:25:39 01:22:13 15
98 Force Four S Winterton -21% 11:15:26  13:00:51 01:45:25 01:23:16 16
127 Privateer T Child -7% 11:05:26  12:37:55 01:32:29 01:26:00 17
52 Maidie M Barnes 10% 11:00:26  12:19:15 01:18:49 01:26:41 18
262 Jessie May C Walton -6% 11:05:26  12:38:21 01:32:55 01:27:20 19
234 White Rose R Soutar -14% 11:10:26  12:53:55 01:43:29 01:28:59 20

last edited on:  20/09/2015 at 16:23   by: The Editor