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  Breydon Regatta, 2015 New Page 1

Saturday am - Snipe Tankard

Sail Start Finish Pen Elapsed Corrected
No Boat Name Helm Handicap Time Time Min Time Time Position
403 May K Rhead -9% 10:55   12:16:51 01:21:51 01:14:29 1
117 Anne K Halifax -4% 10:50   12:08:19 01:18:19 01:15:11 2
307 Mischief S Seeney -7% 10:55   12:16:00 01:21:00 01:15:19 3
110 Golden Moon D Ellis -21% 11:00   12:36:16 01:36:16 01:16:03 4
122 Martlet H Franzen -17% 11:00   12:31:48 01:31:48 01:16:11 5
318 Pippinjack P Stevens -10% 11:00   12:24:40 01:24:40 01:16:12 6
224 Anna R Branscombe -9% 10:55   12:19:27 01:24:27 01:16:50 7
244 Catspaw B Wilkins -4% 10:50   12:10:15 01:20:15 01:17:02 8
384 Cordon Rouge 1 D Thompson -8% 10:55   12:19:03 01:24:03 01:17:19 9
109 Kingfisher C Sales -19% 11:00   12:35:45 01:35:45 01:17:33 10
414 Grayling K Priest -5% 10:50   12:11:52 01:21:52 01:17:46 11
420 Lyra P Carrington 13% 10:45   11:54:48 01:09:48 01:18:52 12
300 Matilda A Landamore -1% 10:45   12:04:54 01:19:54 01:19:06 13
217 Melinda P Howes -1% 10:45   12:05:36 01:20:36 01:19:47 14
30 Zingara R Dugdale 1% 10:45   12:10:45 01:25:45 01:26:36 15
262 Jessie May C Walton -6% 10:50   12:23:44 01:33:44 01:28:06 16
169 Pandora 3 P J Smith -13% 11:00   12:46:03 01:46:03 01:32:15 17

Saturday pm - Berney Arms Cup

Sail Start Finish Pen Elapsed Corrected
No Boat Name Helm Handicap Time Time Min Time Time Position
318 Pippinjack P Stevens -10% 15:00   16:20:51 01:20:51 01:12:45 1
117 Anne K Halifax -4% 14:50   16:06:08 01:16:08 01:13:05 2
403 May K Rhead -9% 14:55   16:16:41 01:21:41 01:14:19 3
307 Mischief S Seeney -7% 14:55   16:15:10 01:20:10 01:14:33 4
217 Melinda P Howes -1% 14:45   16:01:22 01:16:22 01:15:36 5
300 Matilda A Landamore -1% 14:45   16:00:27 1 01:16:27 01:15:41 6
420 Lyra P Carrington 13% 14:45   15:52:09 01:07:09 01:15:52 7
244 Catspaw B Wilkins -4% 14:50   16:09:30 01:19:30 01:16:19 8
110 Golden Moon D Ellis -21% 15:00   16:37:06 01:37:06 01:16:42 9
384 Cordon Rouge 1 D Thompson -8% 14:55   16:18:56 01:23:56 01:17:13 10
224 Anna R Branscombe -9% 14:55   16:19:54 01:24:54 01:17:15 11
122 Martlet H Franzen -17% 15:00   16:36:15 01:36:15 01:19:53 12
414 Grayling K Priest -5% 14:50   16:14:45 01:24:45 01:20:30 13
30 Zingara R Dugdale 1% 14:45   16:07:57 01:22:57 01:23:46 14
169 Pandora 3 P J Smith -13% 15:00   16:37:45 01:37:45 01:25:02 15
262 Jessie May C Walton -6% 14:50   16:23:15 01:33:15 01:27:39 16
109 Kingfisher C Sales -19% 15:00  DNF 00:00:00 00:00:00

Saturday overall - Breeze Yard of Ale

1. May  2. Anne  3. Pippinjack  4. Mischief  5. Golden Moon  6. Catspaw  7. Martlet  8. Anna  9. Melinda  10. Matilda  11. Lyra  12. Cordon Rouge  13. Grayling  14. Zingara  15. Kingfisher  16. Pandora III  17. Jessie May


Sunday - Passage Race - Gerald Sambrooke-Sturgess Trophy (corrected) & Greyhound Trophy (elapsed)

Sail Start Finish Elapsed Corrected
No Boat Name Helm Handicap Time Time Time Time Position
217 Melinda P Howes -1%  00:13:30   15:00:09  01:30:09 (2)  01:29:14 1
414 Grayling K Priest -5%  00:13:20   14:54:42  01:34:42 (6)  01:29:57 2
244 Catspaw B Wilkins -4%  00:13:15   14:48:58  01:33:58 (5)  01:30:12 3
224 Anna R Branscombe -9%  00:13:15   14:55:45  01:40:45 (9)  01:31:40 4
300 Matilda A Landamore -1%  00:13:10   14:43:03  01:33:03 (4)  01:32:07 5
420 Lyra P Carrington 13%  00:12:55   14:18:04  01:23:04 (1)  01:33:51 6
117 Anne K Halifax -4%  00:12:50   14:29:48  01:39:48 (8)  01:35:48 7
109 Kingfisher C Sales -19%  00:12:45   14:47:43  02:02:43 (16)  01:39:24 8
318 Pippinjack P Stevens -10%  00:12:30   14:20:56  01:50:56 (12)  01:39:50 9
122 Martlet H Franzen -17%  00:12:30   14:31:47  02:01:47 (15)  01:41:04 10
403 May K Rhead -9%  00:12:40   14:31:21  01:51:21 (13)  01:41:19 11
307 Mischief S Seeney -7%  00:12:40   14:29:01  01:49:01 (10)  01:41:23 12
3 Raisena C Bunn 11%  00:12:45   14:16:54  01:31:54 (3)  01:42:00 13
384 Cordon Rouge 1 D Thompson -8%  00:12:35   14:28:53  01:53:53 (14)  01:44:46 14
52 Maidie M Barnes 10%  00:12:35   14:14:30  01:39:30 (7)  01:49:27 15
30 Zingara R Dugdale 1%  00:12:00   13:50:04  01:50:04 (11)  01:51:10 16
169 Pandora 3 P J Smith -13%  00:12:20   14:33:20  02:13:20 (17)  01:56:00 17
262 Jessie May C Walton -6%  00:12:30   14:52:15  02:22:15 (18)  02:13:42 18

Overall (Passage Race plus one of the Saturday races) - Breydon Barometer (all yachts) & Breydon Tankard (15% and over)

Number Boat Name Helm Hdcap Sat am Sat pm Sun Total Position 15% +
217 Melinda P Howes -1% 14 5 1 6 1
117 Anne K Halifax -4% 2 2 7 9 2
318 Pippinjack P Stevens -10% 6 1 9 10 3
244 Catspaw B Wilkins -4% 8 8 3 11 4
224 Anna R Branscombe -9% 7 11 4 11 5
300 Matilda A Landamore -1% 13 6 5 11 6
403 May K Rhead -9% 1 3 11 12 7
414 Grayling K Priest -5% 11 13 2 13 8
420 Lyra P Carrington 13% 12 7 6 13 9
307 Mischief S Seeney -7% 3 4 12 15 10
122 Martlet H Franzen -17% 5 12 10 15 11 1
109 Kingfisher C Sales -19% 10 20 8 18 12 2
384 Cordon Rouge 1 D Thompson -8% 9 10 14 23 13
30 Zingara R Dugdale 1% 15 14 16 30 14
169 Pandora 3 P J Smith -13% 17 15 17 32 15
262 Jessie May C Walton -6% 16 16 18 34 16
110 Golden Moon D Ellis -21% 4 9
3 Raisena C Bunn 11% 13
52 Maidie M Barnes 10% 15


last edited on:  17/08/2015 at 20:40   by: The Editor