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  Breydon Regatta, 2014 Sail

Saturday morning - Snipe Tankard

Sail  Start Finish Pen Elapsed
Number Boat Name Helm Handicap Time Time Min Time Time Position
384 Cordon Rouge 1 D Thompson -8% 11:20  12:47:16 01:27:16 01:20:17 1
6 Dragonfly S Burrows -12% 11:25  12:58:10 01:33:10 01:21:59 2
244 Catspaw B Wilkins -5% 11:20  12:47:11 01:27:11 01:22:49 3
30 Zingara R Dugdale 1% 11:15  12:45:30 01:30:30 01:31:24 4
224 Anna R Branscombe -9% 11:20  13:04:59 01:44:59 01:35:32 5
110 Golden Moon D Ellis -21% 11:25  13:29:31 02:04:31 01:38:22 6
255 Lucky Breeze D R Walker -26% 11:25  13:58:56 1 02:34:56 01:54:39 7
169 Pandora 3 P J Smith -17% 11:25  14:12:57 02:47:57 02:19:23 8
117 Anne K Halifax -4% 11:15 DNC 00:00:00 00:00:00
3 Raisena C Bunn 8% 11:15 RTD 00:00:00 00:00:00
403 May K Rhead -8% 11:20 RTD 00:00:00 00:00:00

Saturday afternoon - Berney Arms Cup

Sail  Start Finish Pen Elapsed
Number Boat Name Helm Handicap Time Time Min Time Time Position
244 Catspaw B Wilkins -5% 15:20  16:37:54 01:17:54 01:14:00 1
384 Cordon Rouge 1 D Thompson -8% 15:20  16:42:23 01:22:23 01:15:47 2
117 Anne K Halifax -4% 15:15  16:39:06 01:24:06 01:20:44 3
110 Golden Moon D Ellis -21% 15:25  17:11:37 01:46:37 01:24:13 4
169 Pandora 3 P J Smith -17% 15:25  17:21:36 01:56:36 01:36:46 5
87 Modwena M Cassidy -18% 15:25 RTD 00:00:00 00:00:00
403 May K Rhead -8% 15:20 RTD 00:00:00 00:00:00

Overall for the two Breydon races - Breeze Yard of Ale

1. Cordon Rouge  2. Catspaw  3. Golden Moon  4. Pandora III


Sunday morning - Passage Race - Gerald Sambrooke-Sturgess Trophy (corrected) & Greyhound Trophy (elapsed)

Sail  Start Finish Elapsed
Number Boat Name Helm Handicap Time Time Time Time Position
87 Modwena M Cassidy -18%  10:15:00  11:27:19 01:12:19  (6)  00:59:17 1
52 Maidie M Barnes 4%  10:00:00  10:57:24 00:57:24  (1) 00:59:41 2
110 Golden Moon D Ellis -21%  10:00:00  11:16:15 01:16:15  (7) 01:00:14 3
117 Anne K Halifax -4%  10:05:00  11:08:04 01:03:04  (2) 01:00:32


403 May K Rhead -8%  10:10:00  11:16:07 01:06:07  (3) 01:00:49 5
244 Catspaw B Wilkins -5%  10:15:00  11:21:25 01:06:25  (4) 01:03:05 6
413 Fair Lady A Bale -26%  10:15:00  11:40:37 01:25:37  (8) 01:03:21 7
224 Anna D Branscombe -9%  10:45:00  11:57:01 01:12:01  (5) 01:05:32 8

Overall (one Breydon Race plus the Passage Race) Breydon Barometer (all yachts) and Breydon Tankard (15% and over)

Sail Sat am Sat pm Sun am
Number Boat Name Helm Hdcap Race 1 Race 2 Race 3 Total Position 15% +
244 Catspaw B Wilkins -5% 3 1 6 7 1
110 Golden Moon D Ellis -21% 6 4 3 7 2 1
117 Anne K Halifax -4% 3 4 7 3
87 Modwena M Cassidy -18% 8 1 9 4 2
403 May K Rhead -8% 11 8 5 13 5
224 Anna R Branscombe -9% 5 8 13 6
384 Cordon Rouge 1 D Thompson -8% 1 2
6 Dragonfly B Simpson -12% 2
52 Maidie M Barnes 4% 2
30 Zingara R Dugdale 1% 4
169 Pandora 3 P J Smith -17% 8 5
255 Lucky Breeze D R Walker -26% 7
413 Fair Lady A Bale -26% 7
3 Raisena C Bunn 8% 11
last edited on:  12/08/2014 at 21:21   by: The Editor