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  Rebecca reigns - Turkey Race, 2006

Frustration was the order of the day for this year's Turkey Race as a strong ebb tide and a light south south westerly breeze made for testing conditions.  With the start set at the top end of the Reedham Ferry reach, all six entrants found it hard to attain and stay near the line beforehand and the race officers wisely took a very early decision to shorten course, bringing the turning point downriver from Cantley to Hardley Dyke.

Even the eventual winner, Rebecca, struggled against the tide, being 10 minutes late over the line and taking 48 minutes to complete the short course.  Lucky Breeze, Golden Moon and The Only Girl all took a practical view and gave in without reaching the start line, but Nutcracker and Dryad persevered, spending two hours tacking in close company, on the spot, just above the line.  Finally, Nutcracker managed to get round the first corner and was then able to complete the course.  Dryad bowed to the inevitable and retired, still within sight of the start line, but were awarded third prize for their endurance.

Special mention must be made of Nutcracker's festive appearance - not only decorated with tinsel, but also sporting a Christmas tree at the top of the gaff.

1st: Rebecca (Philip Scott)  2nd: Nutcracker (Phil Leftley)  Retired: Dryad (David M. Walker)  DNS:  Golden Moon (David Smith), Lucky Breeze (David E. Walker), The Only Girl (Joe Kilner)

See here for photographs.

last edited on:  03/12/2006 at 15:55   by: The Editor