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  Summer Social and Challenge Race 2024

For a change, it was decided to revert to a DIY barbecue for the annual summer social, held at Coldham Hall Sailing Club, to whom we are grateful for the use of both their gas barbecue and clubhouse.  It was actually dry and warm enough to sit outside, which still seemed a remarkable thing to all, given the cold weather endured so far this "summer."

The evening proper began with those present gathered for pre-prandials in the pub garden, although the Rosie crew had whisked Margaret off to the White Heron by dory earlier on for "just one beer."  Turns out they couldn't count and it was rather more than that...  Everyone then adjourned to the sailing club premises, where Bill fired up the barbecue and all commenced cooking and eating, with a table full of sharing goodies somehow appearing in the centre of the convivial circle of picnic chairs.  (The seated members were convivial, not the chairs).

In the morning, as with every other YSC race so far this year, it rained. 

The briefing was given by Bob inside the clubhouse and followed by a distinct lack of enthusiasm as everyone stared out at the heavy drizzle and low cloud, with the sodden flags barely lifting in the almost non-existent breeze.  There was much consulting of rain forecasts and talk of postponing for an hour, but then the rain stopped and suddenly there was talk of a mere ten minute postponement; then, when it was realised this would mean starting at the same time as the Yeoman fleet, on the same line but in opposite directions (!!) just a five minute postponement.

This led to a flurry of activity and some rapid crew swapping when it became apparent Di Branscombe was unable to sail, with Bill unceremoniously evicting one of his crew to sail on Anna.  However, all boats made it to the line and set off in a loosely bunched group on the run downriver and downtide to the six mile an hour signs just below Beauchamp - Coldham's medium course being chosen as it felt the usual distance to Langley would be too taxing for the return beat against the tide in such light winds.

On the way, it started to rain again.

Wandering Rose reached the turn first, but was soon overhauled by Morning Calm on the tack upriver, with the latter slowly stretching out an unassailable lead.  Anna turned next, followed by Melody, with Vixen close on her transom.  The latter was able to pass Melody, who then rapidly dropped back, but while Vixen caught Anna, she was never able to get close enough to pass her and, nearing Coldham Hall, a helpful long close haul for Anna enabled her to pull far enough ahead to take third place.

With the first two places going to Morning Calm and Wandering Rose, both sailing for the YSC, that club retained the trophy again.


last edited on:  30/06/2024 at 19:26   by: The Editor