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  May Day cruise, 2024

In a somewhat discouraging start to the weekend, the YSC gathered on Reedham Quay in a deluge of rain, promising ourselves that things would improve… Sincerest thanks to Steve & Lisa for allowing us to sit onboard the ‘hotel boat’ (Ruby Rose) which was promptly christened the ‘hotel’ by the yachties!

To steady our nerves, some sustenance was sought in the Lord Nelson PH - thanks to them for accommodating us all (including dripping wet foul weather gear).

Saturday morning began with a cold, misty river for ‘us’ to enjoy. ‘Flight’ left first on the first of the flood - SB reporting that she was soon ‘lost to sight’ in the murk!

However, as the morning developed, so did the sunshine - accompanied by a light southerly breeze. Both ‘Marigold’ and ‘Hiawatha’ reported excellent sailing, the latter having joined us from Hardley Dyke. Throughout, we noted ‘Ruby Rose’ making light work of the reaches where we had to tack.

As arranged, a few members were able to join the YSC fleet at Coldham Hall for the Saturday lunchtime (happy birthday to you, Christine!) where a convivial atmosphere prevailed. With a following wind, some sunshine, some dinghy racing to watch and a nice beer… perfection was achieved!

Saturday evening was spent at Surlingham Ferry, providing an opportunity for ‘Rosebud’ to stretch her legs & make a dash to Bramerton Woods End. This was ostensibly a mechanical test, until that contingent found themselves in the public bar. There were mutterings that this was the only place they could find an engine manual…

Sunday started early, VERY early for some, with blue skies and unfortunately… very little breeze! Again ‘Flight’ departed first, with ‘Ruby Rose’ giving ‘Marigold’ a helping hand downriver. A light SE prevailed, making it better sailing for those who had waited for the ebb to set in before leaving.

The fleet split their lunchtime break along much of the tidal Yare, knowing we’d all be finishing at Loddon basin. This led to varying degrees of exploration and excitement - with Clawdia the ship’s cat being grounded without shore leave until further notice.

At Loddon (still with sunshine!) with the fleet mooring in the basin, and amongst fever pitch excitement, the competition for the YSC crews cocktail shaker was held. In the spirit of fair competition, a lax approach to the RRS was applied. Entries included;

- Baby Guinness
- The ‘Easi-start’
- Brasso (thinned with acetone)
- Sex on the Broads

There was a clear winner, but you’ll have to come to the dinner to find out! Needless to say, one was much more popular than the rest.

Once again, as the evening drew on, the fleet retreated to the main saloon of the ‘hotel’. Thanks to Lisa for putting up with all of us.

With the inevitable ‘disperse to moorings’ being utilised for Monday morning, collectively it was noted this had been an excellent May Day cruise. With thanks to those who took part by land or by boat!

Boats present; ‘Flight’, ‘Ruby Rose’, ‘Rosebud’, ‘Marigold’ & ‘Hiawatha’.

last edited on:  09/05/2024 at 19:26   by: The Editor