Rigging Supper, April 2024
Around 30 members made their way to the Blackfriars in Yarmouth for our second consecutive Rigging Supper at this venue. Well, it was so good last year, the committee thought it would be great to go again and also to support the owners, club members John and Rachael. In the spirit of keeping the déjà vu going, we also ordered a pie supper this year and Julia ran a table quiz again. She apologised for its difficulty, but those present gave it their best shot and enjoyed it. The prizes were shared between the “Rose” team, aided by Paul Howes and the east Norwich contingent (who had arrived via bus, train and a walk) consisting of the Vice Commodore and his lady, the Thombletons (down from Gateshead) and your sailing secretary.
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at 19:17
by: The Editor