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  Rigging supper, 2023

For this year’s Rigging Supper, the committee decided to return to the Blackfriars Tavern in Great Yarmouth, scene of our joint event with EACC last year. This decision proved popular, with 31 club members making their way there by car, train or bicycle for a convivial evening of beer, food, quizzes and pub games.

Julia had done two paper quizzes: one being anagrams of dog breeds and the other a “fill in the missing letters” to make Norfolk village names. With well over 500 villages to choose from, this proved a tough challenge – although the dog breeds weren’t straightforward either. Much head scratching, as the meals were served and eaten. In the end, the 3H’s, led by Penny Holmes, came out the winners by one point over Adrian’s Army – but everyone got chocolates.

Some groups also took advantage of the many pub games available, with much hilarity on one table as a numerically-challenged member was taught how to play the domino game of fives and threes. An excellent evening all round, with many thanks to club members John and Rachael for being our welcoming hosts for the evening.

last edited on:  20/04/2023 at 14:48   by: The Editor