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was great to be back racing! However, on Saturday there was little wind
and it was a bit wet in the late afternoon. On Sunday the wind built up
and it was sunny.
Margaret could not attend due to the sudden death of her father. However she had
done a lot of the preparation.
we had Adrian as OOD, Julia in charge of the flags, Chris (and Chloe, his dog)
on starting gun; with Jan writing down the times and Will helping (along with
Alfie, another dog). John Holmes stepped in to drive the club boat and
perform associated activities, laying and lifting the buoys and driving around
the photographer, Sue Hines.
Bale was unable to get the club boat ready or launched, but Kelvin very kindly
stepped in (not the water!) and not only got the boat ready, but launched it and
tidied and cleaned the shed. Very many thanks to him.
to Saturday: it was a late start, with thoughts of cancellation, due to the lack
of wind. After an hour, at 15.00 the race was shortened, with everyone
easily informed, thanks to the OOD having their mobile phone numbers. An
innovation prompted by Covid! Modwena, Pan and Wandering Rose
retired. Tinkerbell was first and Melinda second. It also became very
wet, so the line crew were grateful for the Gazebo.
there was a good evening!
Sunday for the 11.00 start the wind was very light but by 11.05 the wind started
to improve for the second start. All boats got a good start (including
Modwena). The wind was picking up by 11.30 and the line crew enjoyed
the sight of 168, Hiawatha sailing past. The line crew saw a seal too. Morning Calm won this race, with
Anna in second place and Wandering Rose coming in third.
was a good social lunch time, with other members arriving. Very good, but
careful to obey the Covid restrictions!.
the afternoon there were starts at 14.00 and 14.05, with very good wind.
This time Wandering Rose won by just 8 seconds from Morning Calm, with Pan in
third place.
did the presentations in the garden, but could not present the Sparklet trophy
for overall winner to Bill (Morning Calm) as he wasn't there and Modwena had
vanished too!
all worked well thanks to all the help we got from John, Adrian helped by Ruth,
Chris, Julia, Kelly and Wiggy, plus all the others who helped. Thank you
as well to Sue Hines for the photos AND The Reedcutter for all their help.
It was a belated, but very good start to the season!
aka Commodore