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  Commodore’s report, AGM 2020

The AGM was a rather different affair this year, being held on Zoom, with only committee members present, plus Di Branscombe and Jan Nudd. The agenda contained the usual items though, with the Commodore’s report reading as follows:

“What a year!

Unable to do our usual events. But lets keep hoping we can get started again next year.

The committee has met (albeit virtually) as usual and taken decisions as necessary.

We checked the programme each time and maintained our contacts.

Margaret has prepared next years programme, after consultation with other clubs as necessary, so we will be ready to go if we can.

This only works because of the hard work of the committee and I would especially like to thank Julia, Margaret and Adrian. Without the dynamic technical assistance of John it would not have been possible - again thanks.

It is also important to ask members to keep their subs coming in to keep us going. Also remember that 2021 Calendars are available from Margaret.

It is with great sadness that we heard of Neil's (club Bosun) illness and death. I wish to pass on to all his family and friends our condolences. I still have memories of him helping (at speed) with the club boat.

Lets hope we can get going sooner rather than later next year.”

With no objections from any of the membership, the proposals for next year’s committee membership and the club programme were adopted. Margaret mentioned the Platinum Jubilee bank holiday weekend in 2022 and it was agreed she would approach RN&SYC to see if anything could be arranged there for the four day weekend.

Joe Farrow had asked whether the committee might consider running a virtual raffle: they already have this in hand. He also asked about the possibility of club Zoom meetings, similar to those EACC have run, which the committee will consider.

The Commodore closed the meeting by again thanking committee members for their contributions during the last year.

last edited on:  14/11/2020 at 19:56   by: The Editor