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  Turkey Race, 2018

The forecast was for wet and windy weather for the YSC’s last race of the year.  Luckily the rain and the strong winds held off, but a nice breeze ensued for the seven boats that made the journey to Surlingham Ferry Pub. 

The OOD, anticipating an increase in the wind, put the upper mark near the Bramerton moorings and a second mark back down river to create a loop, giving the boats a longer course.  An unusually high number of boats had turned out for this race, resulting in a split start.  Alice Rose was the first boat away and was never threatened into losing the lead.  Vixen was in hot pursuit and Rebecca decided to go aground twice and hit two dead trees due to the OOD putting in two gybe marks, one of which was unintentional.  Jessie May also decided to have a moment on the mud but managed to escape with vigorous tiller wagging by Chris Duke.  Pandora 3 seemed to be sailing a different race from the other boats when she reached up the course, whilst others were tacking. The OOD was pleased to see that Corsair had a clean bottom as strong gusts began to hit the boats in open water. Modwena at the back of the fleet seemed to enjoy a social sail, with more concentration on conversation than racing.

Alice Rose was first home, winning the 5.5kg turkey and the cup, having managed to hold the lead from Pandora 3 who won a brace of ducks.   Third place went to Corsair, who was very pleased to receive a brace of pheasants, ready for the oven. 

Chris and Leonne Dowsett carried out line duties and thanks went to them for all their assistance

A presentation of wine was given to Joe Farrow who had recently retired from the committee after over ten years’ service

The fire was blazing in the pub and an excellent hearty meal was had by over 50 people, the largest attendance for a long time.  However, this proved a little challenging for the pub as their power system decided to entertain us with regular bouts of darkness.  The fault was eventually traced to a dodgy light in the chicken run outside!

Pam and Mark Wells were put in charge of judging the Christmas Card Competition, resulting in Dianne Branscombe winning with her ingenious pop up boat.  Terry entertained the pub with the raffle, the hamper being won by Jean.  Another excellent end to the season.

Kevin & Ruth Rhead


last edited on:  02/12/2018 at 13:23   by: The Editor