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  Barbecue, 2018


A good turnout of five yachts and eight motor boats assembled at Surlingham Ferry for the annual summer barbecue.  The hot sunshine of the past few weeks continued and willing hands were soon recruited to erect a couple of tents to shade the cooking and serving area.

Julia and Christine had devised a treasure hunt to occupy members during the afternoon, following a walk along the river bank and then circling back inland, which proved more popular than the entry of just three teams might suggest.  Margaret left early, on a solo effort, followed by Will and Jan as a duo; then the entire northern division of the club, making up one huge team.  The request to collect a piece of angelica provoked a lot of discussion, with the eventual decision being that nobody had found the correct plant.  Similarly, no-one spotted the flowering irises, but all successfully collected some elderflower for "a refreshing summer drink."  It was not all about plants, with participants having to name a beer, seek out a naturalist's grave, find a coloured post, note the opening times of the church tea room and locate a (plastic) duck hiding in a hole.  Some failed to even locate the hole...  When all was tallied up, Will and Jan came in a close run third place, with the other two teams tying and each being given a box of chocolates.

The meal, as usual at Surlingham, was well cooked and plentiful, despite having to cater for last minute additions.  Members grouped in the late sunshine to enjoy their meat feast, followed by strawberries and ice cream.  With no music this year (due to the poor turnout last year) some slid off early to bed, while others remained longer, enjoying the beer and the good company.


Boats present: 10, Alice Rose, Buccaneer, Damsel, Jasmine of Horning, Kym (aka Skip), Misty Morn, Pelican, Pippinjack, Retribution, Seabird, Vixen, Wiggy


last edited on:  18/07/2018 at 13:02   by: The Editor