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  Reedham Regatta, 2018

A fleet of 9 yachts gathered on Saturday afternoon to compete for the Harriet of Reedham trophy, with the Yare Sailing Club also welcoming entries from EACC and the GWYC.

In a weekend full of fickle weather a south westerly breeze piped up for the first start quickly dying down for the second. There was added excitement with the presence of rowing boats on the start line and throughout the duration of the race.

Sabrina 2 helmed by John Holmes swiftly pulled ahead of the fleet, maintaining her lead throughout, finishing first and winning overall.  Pippinjack helmed by Paul Stevens was second over the line, with 3rd, 4th and 5th being a closely fought battle between Alice Rose, Anne and Grayling.

The final results were:

1st place - Sabrina 2; 2nd place – Pippinjack; 3rd place - Anna (helmed by Diane Branscombe)

Sunday morning was breezier with the wind veering further to the west.

The latter half of the upriver passage race to Buckenham suddenly became rather crowded as we found ourselves racing alongside the rowing club heading to Norwich, an RS and a Javelin from Buckenham Sailing Club as well as Yeomans, Wayfarers and a Flying 15 from Coldham Hall Sailing Club.

All of this made for an entertaining finish to the race just as the heavens opened. However, the pub being closed was of far greater concern!

The aforementioned fickle weather came into full effect on the return passage race back to Reedham with the wind dying off almost completely.  Grayling, attracted to the short journey home as opposed to the long drift back to Reedham, called it a day and headed back to Coldham.

With little to no wind and the tide still flooding the first and second start yachts all but ground to a halt before reaching the start. It became less a case of who could go forward the quickest but rather who could drift backwards the slowest. Those who had competed in this year’s 3 Rivers Race a few weeks earlier may well have had a distinct feeling of deja vu!

Anne and Pippinjack decided not to compete. Gradually however, the flood tide began to ease and with the slightest breath of air here and there, Alice Rose crept through the fleet, closely followed by Anna.

The remaining yachts: May, Sabrina 2, Pixie and Puck eventually crossed the start line and stayed within striking distance of one another as they got under way - only to be halted once more by Langley Woods!

With much backwards drifting and perseverance all managed to make it through the lee of the trees. Thankfully the OOD showed mercy and shortened the race, finishing it at Cantley!

The combined winner of the Sunday races was Pixie helmed by Adrian Lincoln who also claimed the trophy for the weekend.

Sarah Knight

last edited on:  20/06/2018 at 09:25   by: The Editor