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  Seaside outing - August Bank Holiday, 2016 New Page 1

The August Bank Holiday saw 12 boats leave the safety of the Norfolk Broads and venture down to the seaside.  Most assembled at Somerleyton the night before, from where five yachts took part in a self-timed race as far as Oulton Dyke.  This was won by May, who set off late on the tide, but with more wind than those who had left earlier.  Vixen came in second, just beating Anna.

The boats were gradually fed through the lock, with the motor boats going first and therefore getting first taste of the mini beer festival at the Royal Norfolk & Suffolk Yacht Club.  By early afternoon, all had arrived and settled in for a sociable afternoon, rounded off by an evening buffet in the company of members of the Haven Ports Yacht Club, led by Mark Wells.

It was a bouncy night on the ocean waves, ensuring everyone knew they were no longer on inland waters, but Sunday dawned calmer and with sunshine. HPYC departed for Southwold, while around 30 people from the YSC and RN&SYC set off in RIBs, motor boats and yachts for Scroby Sands.  The plan was to land, but in the end this proved impossible, although efforts were made by all three RIBs.  Instead, there was some rafting up at anchor and picnics on board, watched by the inquisitive seals.

Burgers and hot dogs were welcome sustenance on the return to the clubhouse, accompanied by some more real ale, of course.  Many chose to eat in the club during the evening, before rounding off events by taking part in a general knowledge quiz.  This was won by a combined team from Pelican, Retribution and Vixen, who promptly drank their prize Cava to celebrate.

After a more peaceful night than Saturday, a group departure on Monday morning meant all the yachts could take advantage of having the bascule bridge lifted in Lowestoft, but unfortunately the Oulton Railway Bridge had technical issues and was unable to open, resulting in some hasty mast lowering as the fleet made its way up Lake Lothing.  Once safely back through the lock again, there was a general dispersal to home moorings; some going to Geldeston, some stopping at Somerleyton and others venturing into the newly reopened Lord Nelson at Reedham.

Boats present: Anna, Force Four, Koko Pelli, May, Melody, Modwena, Pandora III, Pelican, Seabird, Vixen, White Rose, Wiggy

last edited on:  31/08/2016 at 21:04   by: The Editor