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  The Pelican's Eggs - Treasure Hunt, June 2014

Turned up bright and early at the Good Ship Pelican, ready for the YSC Treasure Hunt. Received instructions from the Commodore and quickly whizzed round at Cantley, spotting answers. Brief discussion about the difference between a tank and a silo, then off upriver, ahead of the competition. Pause at Langley; cabin boy sent off to blag gentles from unsuspecting fisherman, while rest of the shore party explored deep inland. Dog sent in to fetch water lily leaf, but returned empty-pawed. Intrepid competitor at full stretch managed to snaffle one.

Swiftly back to the GS Pelican and onward upriver, counting speed limit signs, then smartly into Rockland Dyke to go and count the buoys on the Broad. Unscheduled turn of the wheel to port saw us fetch up in a dead end. Moored and retired to pub to discuss strategy.

Emerged from Broad to find competition milling around ahead. Hung back – better to follow than to lead! Shore crew dispatched at Coldham Hall in one swift manoeuvre to obtain boat building materials. Pierhead jump from Avocet to return to the passing GS Pelican. Opponents lured into pub and left behind.

Shores of Brundall smartly scanned for more answers. Urged on by River Inspector. Fetched up at Surlingham Ferry in good order.

Bottle of wine procured and opened to aid boat design and building. Surrounded by enemy trying to snoop, but concealment of our tactics successful. Paper prototype, fully laden with requisite two eggs, successfully floated for required 90 seconds in test tank. “The Eggnaught” successfully built and waterproofed.

Much amusement as enemy craft spied attempting to acquire gentles from Postwick fisherman. Much bemusement that one opponent had failed to collect vital boat building items from Coldham Hall – lure of pub too much, clearly.

End result: the superior design of The Eggnaught recognised by the award of Maltesers. Strategy of the GSP and her crew rewarded with lots of points and a bottle of wine. Much feasting and carousing followed at club BBQ.


last edited on:  30/06/2014 at 13:35   by: The Editor