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  Hats galore - Turkey Race, 2013

With at least two yachts not able to make it following the sea surge of two days before, numbers were down for the Turkey Race this year, with only four boats making it to the start line. Still, at least the flood waters had stopped short of the pub doorway (just) even if the car park was half underwater first thing on Saturday morning.

A shorter course than last year was laid, avoiding the wind shadow under the hill and initially setting three rounds. Fine Lady, sailed by Mark and Harriet Wells, was first over the start line, with May, White Rose and Corsair following line abreast behind her. The latter also had a different crew from usual, being helmed by Chris Duke, with Kelly and the shanghaied Robin Hines on board. After two laps, the decision was taken to shorten so that the later finishers did not get too cold and hungry, although White Rose professed to be disappointed by this.

Unsurprisingly, May was first home and also first on handicap to win the trophy and accompanying turkey. Corsair was second, both on the water and in the prizes, gaining a couple of pheasants for their efforts. The Wells’s won the duck, with White Rose getting a brace of partridge for fourth and last place.

More hotly contested was the festive hat competition, spawned by a throw-away remark in committee, but a huge success judging by the number of entries and the fine array of home made efforts. Various millinery turkeys were in evidence, at least three musical hats, and an assortment of tinsel decorations. Judged by Kelvin, our resident “minister of fun,” Mollie Richards’s beautifully wrapped Christmas present hat was declared third, with Charlotte Rogers claiming second place for her tinsel tree hat, but Neil Johnson’s array of snowmen decorated with lights and a YSC burgee to top it all off was declared a worthy winner.

Oh yes, we all enjoyed an excellent festive meal too and there was the usual well supported raffle, with this year’s hamper going to Harriet Wells. The end of another excellent year for the club.

last edited on:  10/12/2013 at 13:45   by: The Editor