Five YSC boats assembled at Cantley on Friday night, accompanied by three yachts from the Green Wyvern Cruise. This ensured a good mix of company and some convivial yarning until rather a late hour.
Saturday started out with some promising sunshine, but a bit of a dilemma as far as the itinerary was concerned. Rumours abounded of a great number of boats convening at the evening stop of Rockland, leading to fears about whether there would be sufficient moorings. Some scaremongering regarding the likely appearance of The Pru eventually led to a decision to ignore the ebb tide and make straight for Rockland.
One couldn’t help feeling that the GW had the better idea as they set off downriver with the benefit of wind and tide, but it later transpired that they hadn’t got it right, setting out too late and getting into an amount of difficulty navigating Reedham Swing Bridge. Meanwhile, Lucky Breeze, White Rose and Wisp made the best they could of the tack against the tide in a falling breeze. Defeat had to be admitted around Hassingham Dyke and engines were employed for the final reaches.
These three boats were joined by Starlight and Seabird at Rockland for a lunchtime drink that got extended beyond the original plan when Retribution turned up. Eventually we levered ourselves out of the pub and variously passed the afternoon snoozing or walking. Later Pegasus turned up too, bringing the fleet to seven boats.
Around 7pm those who were not sailing started arriving by road for the Rigging Out Supper. All seemed to thoroughly approve of and enjoy the food, it being felt to be of excellent quality and very good value for money. No one was left complaining of hunger! Bob produced a challenging quiz, which was half cryptic clues to pubs of the Yare and its tributaries and half devious questions designed to test one’s knowledge of the Broads. No-one got anywhere near full marks, but the combined crew of Henrietta and Anna were declared winners. However, Tony Knights demanded a recount on various technicalities, architectural and otherwise; and not only managed to get his team declared joint winners, but also to inveigle some of the prize chocolates out of Betty’s possession.
Most of those cruising were also invited to a party in Reedham on Sunday afternoon, which meant the fleet took the down tide to Reedham Street for lunch. The strong wind prompted a certain amount of reefing and blowing downriver on jib alone, but Lucky Breeze revelled in the conditions and enjoyed the opportunity to sail past the rest of the fleet. Inevitably the 3pm party went on well into the late evening, but when the beer was gone, the VC and friends slipped away for a nightcap on Seabird.
Tidally there was only one thing to do on Monday, which dawned with typical grey and cold bank holiday weather. Firstly to drink coffee on Seabird while waiting for crews to turn up and then to make a late departure for a fast downwind sail to Berney for lunch. This was duly done, and after a lunchtime of good beer with baguettes and chips, the fleet – now reduced to three – motored back to Reedham.
Not the greatest mileage ever covered in a three day weekend, but greatly enjoyed by all those who took part.