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  The view from TOG - late May cruise, 2008

The late May cruise, combined with the Ray Perryman Memorial race, began Friday night at Somerleyton. As ever, my conduct on such social occasions with the sailing club was impeccable.

Saturday morning brought about serious stuff; racing with a good measure of NE breeze to suit. Whilst the fleet wasn’t particularly large, a range of handicaps from +2% to –24% promised an interesting outcome!

Conveniently ‘T.O.G’ and associates crept through the swing bridge ahead of the competition, which then shut! Only to realise evidently we’d bribed the wrong signalman, because all the others promptly made it through the bridge.

With our crack racing team all set, the Toglodyte surged across the start and after initial alarm, quick consultation with the Admiralty Manual of Seamanship led us to believe it was okay to heel over occasionally! However, this was to prove our downfall, as soon the cabin sole was a chaotic gathering of blankets, cushions, glasses, books, shelves (no really!), Mabel, and the well table!

Such energetic behaviour however did prove rewarding, as less than two hours later we powered into Beccles neck and neck with ‘Farthing.’ Despite law of the sod which saw us feature as an interesting interlude in a Novices race, we passed Beccles Amateur Sailing Club last over the water without incident.

However, evidently our bribery, cunning, treacherous tactics by hoisting a balloon aloft and keeping a spaniel aboard in emergency paid off! We’d won, and feeling suitably pleased, motored through into the basin at Beccles for congratulatory cake, or gin………

Saturday evening passed with considerably more clarity than Friday; although the ever-increasing wind brought ominous signs that, like 2007, Beccles in late May was going to be soggy.

Sadly, that proved the case on Sunday when a strong F5 had sprung up with rain to match. The fleet divided itself rather neatly into four sects; some headed to the safety of Geldeston, others to Burgh St Peter, some to Oulton, and some, like us, straight home!

Despite the weather on Sunday and Monday, participants agreed it had been an entertaining weekend.

Joe Farrow

last edited on:  28/05/2008 at 16:02   by: The Editor