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  Joe Kilner, 1939-2022

We were sad to hear that our President, Joe Kilner, who had been unwell for a while, slipped away peacefully on Wednesday 7 December, with Julia by his side. The very well attended funeral was at Reedham Church on Thursday 22 December and afterwards many sailing friends gathered at Reedham Ferry to remember him over a pint of beer and an excellent buffet

Born in Sunderland, Joe first came sailing on the Broads as a schoolboy in the 1950s with the Green Wyvern Yachting Club. He took a break in the sixties to marry and produce a family before returning to the river in the 1980s. Having rekindled his interest, he purchased Corsair and became involved with the Yare Sailing Club, while still retaining his friendships among the Wyverns. The acquisition of a house in Reedham consolidated his connection with the area.

He served as our Commodore for four years from 2007 to 2010 before being invited to become our President in 2011. A change of boat to The Only Girl extended his sailing on the Broads until a few years ago. Joe contributed greatly to the Club over the years; among other things, he created and presented the Gordon Winterton Memorial Prize for our photographic competition and was the prime mover in the purchase of our boat shed. He never lost his interest in the Club and quietly continued to support it until the end.

The YSC extends its condolences to Julia, his brother Denis and his daughters Sue and Rachel and their families.

last edited on:  08/06/2023 at 20:26   by: The Editor