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visitors since Mar 2005
ClubSite © ver 2.0

For photographs from events since December 2010 please see the club's Facebook page.

The gallery currently contains 1383 slides in total. You can either step through them all using the navigation buttons below, or perform a free text search to narrow down the selection.

free text search:

eg, 'Regatta', or 'Turkey', or '2006', or 'December 2006' etc.
  1383 selected
and/or choose a 'set':
The slides are displayed in reverse date order, (with the most recently added photos showing first).
Hover the mouse over any image for more information, or click to see the photo.

If the photo slides are not visible on this page, it may be caused by 'Advert Blocking' in your browser or firewall.

Slides 1 to 20 per group

264034 site visitors since Feb 2004
© 2005 Yare Sailing Club.